Activation Of The Protector Of The Forest
Photo: Andy Wengel © Christoph Both-Asmus
Music: DJ set by Valentin Both-Asmus and drums by Lan Hungh
Media: participatory performance
Year: 2017
Materials : dried flowers, indian ink, candels, tree slice, african mask, DJ (vinyls), drums
Place: Whiteconcepts Gallery Berlin
As part of a collaboration, the Cameroonian artist Hervé Youmbi designed a traditional African mask for Both-Asmus. Youmbi commissioned it from a traditional sculptor. The mask represents the spirit of the "protector of the forest". Both-Asmus treats the mask in the traditional African sense within contemporary art: Both-Amsus activated the mask with a ceremonial performance. Experimental drums were played while Both-Asmus blackened the tree disc. Later, an experimental & psychedelic DJ set of records was played, to which Both-Asmus and the audience danced, creating a flash mob. Following traditional beliefs, the mask is now alive and has magical powers, which become stronger and stronger when Both-Asmus uses the mask for art performances.
In memory of my dead father (19th of June, 2018)
I want to share this personal note! Fortunately, now over one year after the performance my memory is vivid enough, that I can write it down: After the blackening of the tree slice I took a candle from the wall behind me to light the candle, that was hidden underneath the mask inside the hole of the tree slice and returned it into the hole to burn during our rave. However I suddenly knew, that I do this in memory of my father who died 20 yeas ago. In fact out of self protection I believe, I don’t think to often of him and maybe felt never close to him since he died. Maybe I did when I was a teenager but really I cannot remind a moment that I felt him so much like I did during this performance. I just knew that this candle was for him, to think of him, to appreciate him, to feel him, to be good with him. It touched me so much that I couldn’t open my eyes for the beginning of the dance. Together with him in peace, seeing my performance working out, the gallery raving to the music played by my brother Valentin, for our statement that we need nature and are like all things equal, made me so happy that tears of happiness would flow uncontrollably.”
– Christoph Both-Asmus